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Occasion Of An Essay

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The return of my eldest brother from overseas after completing his medical studies in England was a memorable family occasion. Every member of our family turned up at the airport with joy and expectations to await his arrival. As the plane taxied in, we wondered how he would look after his long absence, for he had returned only once for a holiday and that was four years back. At last, he appeared, taller and bulkier than ever, looking very different in his trendy clothes and a new hairdo.

He had grown shades fairer.

Occasion of an essay examples

What are these issues? These may be people, events, facts etc. Descriptive essay examples will certainly help aspiring writers compose persuasive and interesting pieces of writing. Descriptive essay is a creative, personal or simply artistic paper on any topic that interests the reader. It is a piece of writing that describes something and is. An 'occasion statement' asserts a writer's position and contextualizes that position by making it contingent upon a particular occasion. The occasion is stated at the beginning of the sentence. Essay Memorable Occasion. Name Essay Rubric Examples. Living Together Before Marriage Essay Topic. The Form Of The Book Essays On The Morality Of Good Design Pdf. Yankee Fork And Hoe Company Essays On The Great. Afro Asian Essay Writers Net; Essay Scholarships 2012 Canada; Pdf 5 Paragraph Essay Outline.

After we had exchanged hugs and greetings, he introduced to us his long-time girl friend who had also qualified as a doctor at the same university. We were thrilledbeyond words when he announced that the two of them had just been engaged. We went home to celebrate the double joy with a re-union dinner. Some of his old classmates, friends and our relatives, too, had been invited that night.

A sumptuous dinner of various courses and delicacies was served with desserts and fruits to round off the meal. Throughout dinner, my brother entertained us with interesting tales of life in England and of his university experiences.

Occasion Of An Essay Introduction

That memorable day ended with great joy. We, his family, were especially proud of his achievements and his choice of a lovely girl.


To move slowly on the ground or on the surface of the
water before takeoff or after landing


Occasion Of An Essay Examples

extremely pleased


luxurious, lavish

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